Few things are as personally challenging for an individual to cope with than obtaining or defending the right to live or work in the United States legally. For an individual, U.S. immigration system can be complicated and unforgiving, so it's usually a good idea to have an expert Immigration Attorney navigate you through the process.
Demidchik Law Firm, your immigration issue is in good hands. Our team of expert immigration attorneys will do everything required for a successful outcome of your case, while also reducing your stress by carefully taking you through every step of the process. We combine expert knowledge of immigration law, client-oriented approach and affordable fees to best serve our clients.
Our immigration services include, but are not limited to:
When a non-citizen entering the U.S. Border, he or she is inspected at the Ports of Entry (POEs) by CBP officers who determines whether the non-citizen can be admitted into the US.
If you cannot return to your country because you are afraid you will be persecuted by the government or harmed in other ways, the attorneys of Demidchik Law Firm have the knowledge...
H-1B is used primarily for immigrants with "specialty occupations." In general, to qualify for a specialty occupation visa, an individual must have at least a Bachelor Degree…
An L-Visa is necessary in order to work at a branch, parent, affiliate, or subsidiary of the current employer in a managerial or executive capacity, or in a position requiring specialized knowledge.
An R-1 is an alien who is coming to the United States temporarily to be employed as a minister or in another religious vocation or occupation at least part time…
Becoming a legal resident or a citizen of the US is a complicated process, which includes multiple stages. First, your residency has to be reviewed to determine eligibility.
Generally, a citizen of a foreign country who wishes to enter the U.S. must first obtain a visa, either a nonimmigrant visa for temporary stay, or an immigrant visa for permanent residence.
A Green Card shows that you have lawful permanent residency in the U.S., meaning that you have rights and privileges second only to those of U.S. citizens.
Among the many delinquent records, overstay is considered difficult to handle. Since I-94 can be searched online at any time for each traveler's entry…