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Criminal Defense
Whether you have been charged with a serious crime, or merely issued a summons for a traffic violation, attorneys at Demidchik Law Firm understand your predicament and possess the advocacy skills to help you through and out of the criminal justice system.
Our criminal defense services include, but are not limited to:
One can get arrested at any hour of day or night, week day or weekend, work day or holiday. The best chances to come out on bail and await for further court proceedings in the comfort of one's home instead of jail are when a competent attorney steps in to handle the arraignment.
Drug-related offenses involve the illegal possession, sales, distribution and manufacturing of certain controlled substances. A drug crime may be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony with varying penalties depending on the type of drug, the amount and the type of offense allegedly committed.
Domestic violence is the willful intimidation, physical assault, battery, sexual assault, and/or other abusive behavior as part of a systematic pattern of power and control perpetrated by one intimate partner against another.
According to the definition by the U.S. Treasury Department, money laundering crime refers to a complex sequence of banking transfers or commercial transactions to make illegally obtained money (i.e. "dirty money") into legal money ("clean money").
Credit Card laws have expanded with the growing techniques in how theft is committed. It is no longer just picking up a statement from a mailbox; people can now obtain the account numbers without the holder's consent to make unauthorized purchases online or create a card for their own personal use.
Driving while intoxicated (DWI), often referred to as driving under the influence (DUI), is a serious crime in United States. Politicians, lawmakers and law enforcement agencies are extremely harsh on drunk drivers, and penalties can include suspension of your license, a huge fine and jail.
Ninety percent of prosecuted sex crimes are for prostitution, with clients only being arrested about ten percent of the time. There is still a school of thought that considers prostitutes as hardcore criminals because of the spread of disease.
Only a licensed person can practice massage therapy and can use the title "masseur", "masseuse" or "massage therapist". Offering a service that legally requires its worker to be licensed, while unlicensed, is punishable as an "E" felony.
The crimes of theft and robbery are commonly lumped together since they involve unlawful taking of someone else's property; however, both are differing in terms of intent.
If you have recently been pulled over and issued a traffic ticket, you may be facing heavy fines, license suspension and possibly even criminal consequences.
Although they may not involve violence, white collar criminal convictions can result in prison sentences of ten years or more.
Illegal possession of weapons is the unlawful possession of a weapon by an individual. Basically, there are restrictions on what forms of weaponry private citizens (and to a lesser extent, police) are allowed to purchase, own, and carry in public.
Insurance fraud occurs most often when an insured individual or entity makes a false or exaggerated insurance claim and seeks compensation for injuries or losses that weren't actually suffered.
If you have been convicted of a crime, you still may be entitled to post-conviction relief, including a possible reversal of any judgments against you or a reduction of your sentence.
Criminal fraud is all too common in our world today; fraud offenses are included but not limited to the following types: ...
Extortion refers to the crime of obtaining money or property by using threats of harm against the victim, or against their property or family. It might involve threats of damage to the victim's reputation, or to his financial well-being.
The law for murder varies by jurisdiction, murder is the unlawful taking the life of a human being with malice aforethought. If murder is considered, it will likely lead to severe punishment if the accused is convicted by the court. Murder is a serious charge.
Bribery: in America, Bribery charges can be very serious, and the behavior of Bribing and Accepting Bribes shall be subject to criminal liabilities. As part of Chinese culture, giving any item of value to people might essentially bring you a big problem.
Counterfeit is making in exact imitation of a product, document, or currency with the intention to deceive or defraud.
Civil forfeiture occurs when the government (District Attorneys, Customs, Police) seize citizen's property or money citing that this property or money is proceeds of some unlawful activity.
Harassment: this is a behavior that is seen as disturbing, upsetting and/or threating. It has an effect of nullifying or impairing a person from benefiting their right.
Typically, a minor is less than 7 years old will not punished by law, but the parents might have to pay some consequences. In most of the States in America, Juvenile delinquents are often defined as children between the ages of 7 and 18 who have committed a criminal act.