News English

Asylum Advisory

2020-07-27 12:44
Our office has received many phone calls regarding President Trump’s impact on this country’s asylum laws. In fact, President Trump has not and cannot shut down the asylum process here in the United States. Asylum exists in the U.S. as the result of laws passed by Congress and President Trump cannot unilaterally decide not to enforce those laws. The Service Centers are still accepting applications for asylum, the asylum offices are still scheduling interviews and the Immigration Courts are still hearing asylum cases.

The President’s most recent Executive Orders have only a limited impact on asylum and only for those individuals from one of seven muslim countries; Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Iran and Syria. Citizens of China are not affected by these recent executive orders in any way.
It is possible that Congress could change the laws regarding asylum sometime in the next few years. Because of that risk, our office would encourage anyone considering asylum to speak with an immigration lawyer at their earliest opportunity.